All pages, contents, graphics, logos and other material are copyrighted by tp-vertriebs-consult wöstmann ek.
Responsible for the content of these pages is the company tp-vertriebs-consult wöstmann ek.
Company Address:
TP Vertriebs Consult Wöstmann
Inh. Katrin Smenes eK
ohle ring 15
21684 stade
(industriegebiet wiepenkathen)
Telephon: +49 (0) 41 41 – 8 51 23
Telefax: +49 (0) 41 41 – 8 51 13
E-mail: [email protected]
Founder: Ewald Wöstmann
CEO: Katrin Smenes
Customer Care & Production Manager: Vitalija Ksell

Registergericht: Amtsgericht Tostedt
Registernummer: HRA 100532
Steuernummer: 43/139/20438 Finanzamt Stade
USt-IdNr.: DE322452866
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All rights reserved. Any reproduction or redistribution in any medium wholly or in part requires the written consent of tp-vertriebs-consult wöstmann ek.